Monday, November 15, 2010

First sailing class with private instruction

Today I met Erin at the sailing center for our first lesson. I realized two things - 1. It's hard for me to identify wind direction, and 2. I need to lose some weight if I want to sail dinghies!

The majority of the "work" for me was trying to develop some muscle memory and dexterity when it comes to handling the tiller and main sheet during tacks and jibes. My movements were extremely clumsy and lacked any coordination. The tiller would get stuck behind my back, the extension sometimes caught on my life jacket, it was a real mess. On top of that, I'd get frustrated and sometimes turn the tiller the wrong way in the middle of a turn... ugh.

I decided to go back to the docks and just work out some movements in the boat - trying to figure out how to move most efficiently during each type of turn, what to do with my hands, where to hold the extension, tiller sheet. I basically did stationary tacks and jibes for a good 30-40 minutes, before going out again.

I think this helped a lot. The more that it can become muscle memory based, the less I have to think about it and the more attention I can pay to keeping sights on where I want to go, being sensitive to wind direction, and trim.

I also had some nerves when it came to the heeling of the boat. I think I'll get over that pretty quick. I wish, though, I had started saiing as a kid - without any fear, it woudl be a lot more fun to learn. you would just sort of "be" good at sailing, without having to "try" to learn how to do it.

Anyhow, after the lesson, I still feel very alientated from the boat, but maybe just a little less so. Will be doing more of the same next week...


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